It can be anything from going to the Grocery store, to driving down the street, or flying to different places. Traveling is done by everyone, everyday. But there are some dangers to it as many people know by now. But here are some tips to help you stay on track.
Whether your going on an errand or taking a vacation to France, you want to be able to pinpoint the location of where your destination ends. I don't know what your destination is, but if your trying to get there as soon as possible, don't diddle daddle, just get your ass there. If you have a little more time or leisure, maybe stopping by, like a gift shop or grab some grub, wouldn't be so bad. You just got to know where your going and then all ends well.
Since I don't know your destination I don't know what your going to be carrying. For everyday, run of the mill, driving around, plan to have a EDC (Every Day Carry) which has a huge spectrum of possibilities (and I do encourage others to carry items with the sole purpose of self-defense and for self-defense only. Because I would rather have a gun when I do not need it rather then need it and to not have it). But for something like for vacation, pack for the amount of time you're staying and then pack a few days extra, just in case. And for the women who like bringing tons of shoes with them. find a pair of shoes that matches the color scheme of your clothing. Example, If you have black shoes, then bring black clothing or something that matches with it so you can pack lighter and avoid all those costly fee's in airports.
Other People
Obviously your going to be around different people everyday, but my advise is to not stand out to much, you make yourself more of a target to other people. And when I mean target, I mean your going to get unwanted attention, from scammers, to robbers, to convicts (But don't get me wrong, some convicts either turn around or were never bad in the first place, you may disagree but that is the truth) and possibly other people with serious intentions. And if your traveling to another state/country, avoid looking like a tourist. Especially in a foreign country, they hate tourist, but once again don't get me wrong some countries like tourists.
All-in-All, Know what your doing.
Find your destination, find out what you need with you and what is appropriate to take, and definitely blend in and avoid looking like a one likes a tourist.
But Traveling is what I do best, hopefully people should already know this, and I hope a few people learned something new or different. So thank you for taking your time to read this article and God Bless.
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