How To: Apply for a NEXUS card to use in Canada and the United

Apply for a NEXUS card to use in Canada and the United

Nexus is a pre-approved trusted traveler program that allows approved people expedited travel between Canada and the US. The card is available to US and Canadian citizens or permanent residents who travel by air or land between the two countries. Anyone traveling between the two countries must have their own Nexus card including babies. The Nexus card is considered a privilege by both the US and Canadian governments. You must have a clean record with both the Canadian Border Services and The US Border and Customs Services. A criminal record will result in denial of the application. You must prove you are a citizen of one of the two countries and provide an identity document with a passport or birth certificate or other documents such as a PR Card. The application must be submitted online on the Global Online Enrollment System (GOES). Applications can no longer be mailed or faxed. The process is time consuming and requires a high degree of accuracy. Mistakes on any information such as vehicle identification can result in denial of the application. You can also use an outside service to submit your application for a fee. Once your application is approved you will be scheduled for an interview. If you are denied, you will receive a letter explaining the reasons for denial. The fee is $50 US and applicants under 18 do not have to pay the fee. The processing time is 6-8 weeks. At the interview you must bring your documents and evidence to prove the information submitted on the application. You will also be fingerprinted and have an iris scan taken. The card is issued after the interview and is valid for 5 years. It activates in 24 hours.

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